December 04, 2023
To the Membership of Local 591,
In preparation for the upcoming contract negotiations, your Local 591 Executive Board is seeking input from Members. We are asking for your thoughts on how you believe your Negotiation Committee needs to work to modify, change, or improve your current Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements for the existing M&R, MLS, and MTS contract books.
Because the Articles and Letters of Memorandum are different in all three contract books, we have created three different surveys. The surveys are tailored to the current three specific contract books. In order to avoid confusion, please submit suggestions using the link for the correct contract book. If you find that you are not on the correct contract survey form, links to the other survey forms are provided at the top of each survey page.
We recognize that subsequent airlines and Union negotiations have overtaken us with more recent industry leading contracts. That said, with your input and continued strong support, we at Local 591 are confident that your Negotiations Committee will bring you back contracts which will lead the airline industry.
For those Members in Classifications within the Mechanic and Related JCBA click >>HERE<<:
For Local 591 this currently includes Members working in the Classifications of: Inspector (AMT), Crew Chief (AMT), Technical Crew Chief (AMT), Aviation Maintenance Technician, Crew Chief (Cleaner), Cleaner, Crew Chief (GSE/Facilities), Technical Crew Chief (GSE/Facilities), Maintenance Mechanic (GSE/Facilities), Maintenance Support Person (GSE/Facilities), Senior Aircraft Maintenance Planner, Aircraft Maintenance Planner, Senior Bill of Work/EO/AD Planner, Senior Technical Documentation Specialist, and Technical Documentation Specialist.
For those Members in Classifications within the Material Logistics Specialists JCBA click >>HERE<<:
For Local 591 this currently includes Members working in the Classifications of: Technical Crew Chief (MLS), Crew Chief (MLS), Material Logistics Specialist, Senior Material Planner, Senior AOG-MCU Planner, Material Planner, and AOG-MCU Planner.
For those Members in the Classifications of Maintenance Training Specialists JCBA click >>HERE<<:
Your Local 591 Executive Board